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Life Saving Training For Grommets Staff

Life Saving Training For Grommets Staff

The Grommets Ltd team received valuable first aid training in December on how to correctly use a defibrillator. We are lucky enough to have one of these lifesaving machines located nearby our premises, funded by Grommets Ltd in 2014. Training was provided by the wonderful HART (Henfield Area Response Team) volunteers who give up their time to provide emergency medical support within the village of Henfield. The HART team can attend a 999 emergency within a few minutes and provide crucial cardiac first aid before an ambulance is able to assist.

Supporting Crisis At Christmas

Supporting Crisis At Christmas

Grommets Ltd. are proud to be supporting CRISIS at Christmas.
We’ve made a donation of £260.80 to ensure 10 people who are without a home will have a Christmas meal this year.

Please show your support for this worthy cause and visit…help bring people who are homeless in from the cold this winter.

A New Kit For Grommets Ltd

A New Kit For Grommets Ltd

We have updated our uniform with a new logo which we are really pleased with.

Special thanks to Infinity Print & Embroidery Ltd, based in Littlehampton, for providing another great set of kit for all staff at Grommets Ltd.



Look out for our new hash tag #whateveryourgapwecanfillit that Grommets Ltd are running as a social campaign. We will be adding adverts and messages to our website and making lots of appearances on social media! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to get all the latest updates.

Supporting Dementia UK

Supporting Dementia UK

Grommets Ltd are proud to have sponsored Kayleigh, our hospitality manager at CFC, who ran the Royal Parks half marathon in aid of Dementia UK. Dementia UK provide much needed specialist Admiral Nurses to help families facing dementia.

Well done Kayleigh what a great achievement!

Royal Approval for Grommets (Queensferry Crossing)

Royal Approval for Grommets (Queensferry Crossing)

Grommets Ltd supplied 50,000 parts for the construction of the Queensferry Crossing across the River Forth. Ten years after inception and involving some 15,000 people, HM Queen Elizabeth II officially opened the Queensferry Crossing on Monday 4th September 2017.

Grommets are proud to have supplied the Forth Crossing Bridge Constructors with rubber cable sleeves and rubber open grommets used in the construction of the Queensferry Crossing. Grommets got a mention in The Argus.