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Comic Relief Official Thank you

Comic Relief Official Thank you

Thank you to Comic Relief for our Official Thank you! Grommets Ltd team enjoyed raising the money earlier this year for such a good cause.
We look forward to the next event , where our Darts practise will come in handy.

Sponsorship of Henfield Cricket Club for the 2017 Season

Sponsorship of Henfield Cricket Club for the 2017 Season

We are pleased to announce that we are continuing our sponsorship of Henfield Cricket Club for the 2017 season. Henfield Cricket Club, formed in 1771, is one of the oldest cricket clubs in the world and one of the most important in Sussex history. This is part of our ongoing commitment to support our local community.

CCTV Systems Updated

CCTV Systems Updated

We had our CCTV system updated in May by Bespoke Security, based in West Sussex. Chris, and his team provided a great service and we are really pleased with our new system.

Red Nose Day 2017

Red Nose Day 2017

The staff of Grommets Ltd gathered to celebrate Red Nose Day 2017 by holding a darts competition. Connor proved to be King of the oche but nobody was a loser on the day!

A donation of £250 was made to Comic Relief.

Grommets Work Experience

Grommets Work Experience

Throughout March, we invited local student Connor Barnard to gain work experience. This demonstrates Grommets Ltd continuing commitment to encourage new entrants to the engineering profession through work placements and, wherever possible, apprenticeships.

Grommets sponsor Nigel Bongers

Grommets sponsor Nigel Bongers

We are delighted to sponsor Nigel Bongers, from Steven Mooney Machinery, for this year’s Virgin Marathon on 23rd April. Nigel is running for Helen & Douglas House who provide hospice care for children and young adults.

Good luck Nigel!